At MASACE, we offer a wide range of professional services to support the operations and management of businesses. While our services are diverse and varied, they are not limited to the ones listed below. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and goals, and we are committed to providing customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. So, if you have a need that is not addressed by the services listed above, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific needs. We would be happy to work with you to develop a solution that meets your specific needs and objectives.

Our Services.

  • Proposal Preparation

    We will assist you with the preparation of your proposal; whether it is for a Multiple Award Schedule, subcontracting opportunities or open market opportunities through We will review the basic established evaluation criteria that is used to determine if a prospective contractor is eligible for award. Additionally, we will conduct the market research to determine if federal, state, and local governments are buying the types of products and/or services that your company wants to offer.

  • Price List Preparation

    We will work with you to prepare an adequate Commercial Price List and review the supporting pricing documentation to support each proposed product or service which your company is offering. We will make sure there is a clear and relevant relationship between the products and services that are being proposed and the supporting documentation used to substantiate it. To reiterate, many companies do not keep up to date pricing for their products and services; which as an essential element of contract management.

  • Modifications

    We will assist you with the review and preparation of contract modifications such as: Administrative changes, products and/or services additions and deletions, Economic Price Adjustments (EPAs), Mass Modifications, and ensure that the products are TAA compliant or services meet the scope for the offering. It is important to keep your contract current with the most update to date products and services your company offers. Additionally, many companies do not keep up to date pricing for their products and services.

  • Contract Extensions

    The Government may extend the term of your contract based on your company meeting the past performance requirements and contract compliance during the previous contract period. A preliminary notice from the Government to extent your contract does not commit them to an extension. Therefore, it is essential that a thorough review of your contract is conducted and the essential documentation is reviewed to put your company in the best possible position for renewal.

  • Negotiations

    The negotiation phase of a Government contract award can be time-consuming and complex. That's why we offer expert guidance and support to help you navigate the process and achieve the best possible terms and conditions for your business. We will serve as your primary point of contact throughout the process, guiding you every step of the way and aligning our negotiation efforts with your organizational objectives and guidelines. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed in the government contracting market.

  • Post Award

    We understand the importance of keeping your contract current and compliant. Therefore, we offer contract management services to help you optimize your contract for your specific business goals. Our dedicated team of consultants will work with you to ensure that your contract is consistently up to date and compliant with all relevant rules and regulations.